Hello world!
Who am I (Nicklas, AKA Blækken).
The interest in programming and the IT world started back in elementary school, where I experimented with developing games and other small projects. The interest in software and IT has led to the education I am undertaking today, as a software engineer. At present, I am studying a diploma engineer in software technology at Aarhus University, 3 semester.
I love using my skills to help others, or make their everyday life easier, which is a big motivating factor for me and has been the reason why Timequid was developed. Timequd is a platform that can be used to keep track of the salary from a given part-time job and is mainly used by Vordingborg's fire department, where I was previously employed.
In addition, I have previously been a soldier, which has benefited my skills in group work and strengthened my discipline, attitude and my go-getter courage. My time as a soldier ended back in 2021. One of the places I have used my military background has been in the fire service as a firefighter.
Previous work and free time projects
Oliver and I teamed up and build a web-service that helps whit keeping track of the payments made from one or more part-time jobs. The idea came from my past as a firefighter where the correct paycheck was a rare sight. Timequid is used by firefighters in vordingborg.
My Freedeck
This is my take on the well-known streamdeck. The code is written in C++ and the hardware soldered on a perfboard. The purpose of this project was to challenge myself by making something with hardware and software.
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Tic Tac Toe
The challenge of this projects was implementing the minimax algorithm in a playable Tic-tac-toe game.
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Sorting Algorithms
The goal of this project was to visualize some of the different sorting algorithms. The implemented algorithms are merge sort, bubble sort and selection sort, where each algorithm can be visualized.
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Menig Vordingborg gjorde sig positivt bemærket allerede fra start, hvorfor jeg som gruppefører valgte ham i min gruppe. I gruppen gjorde han sig tillige bemærket ud fra hans gode evner til b.la. At omsætte teori til praksis og generelt udvise både fysisk og psykisk overskud, hvorfor han blev udnævnt til Bravo i gruppen. Som Bravo fungerer man som gruppeførerens højre hånd og får tildelt ekstra ansvar og opgaver i forhold til at kunne holde styr på gruppen og træde til under gruppeførerens fravær. Dette ekstra ansvar og pålagte opgaver har menig Vordingborg løftet og klaret meget tilfredsstillende. Særligt de to sidste måneder voksede menig Vordingborg meget, da han tog mere ansvar for gruppens fælles præstation og arbejde samt blev bedre til at skabe overblik i pressede situationer. Menig Vordingborg har gennem værnepligten udvist stor udvikling inde for lederskab og ansvarsbevidsthed. Han har ligeså gennem hele forløbet været meget opsøgende og engageret.
2018 - 2021
Jem & fix
Between 2018 and 2021 I worked at jem&fix in Vordingborg as a sales assistant.
2020 - 2022
In 2020, I was employed as a firefighter in central and southern Zealand fire and rescue (MSBR), which formed the basis for timequid.
1. Feb - 28. Maj, 2021
The danish royal army
During this period I served my military service in the Danish defence.
1. Feb, 2022
Aarhus University - diploma engineer in software technology
At present, I am studying a master's degree in software technology at Aarhus University.
7. Mar, 2023
I have completed Systematic’s Scrum course for students. The course comprised 6 hours of theory, discussions, and practical assignments.
Download certificate1. Apr, 2023
Software developer Q-inspect Miracle
At Q-inspect I develop software for QReport; a world-class mobile reporting system.
Nicklas Pedersen
Mail: nicklas9211@gmail.com
Tlf.: 41319170